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St. Dallan's Primary School, Warrenpoint

P.6 Outing to Warrenpoint Park

21st Oct 2021

Our P.6 pupils had the opportunity to learn all about our heritage when they visited Warrenpoint Park this week.   The focus of the trip was ‘Old Warrenpoint’. The children took part in 3 different activities:

  1. A writing workshop with local author, Declan Carville
  2. A Punch and Judy show at the bandstand.
  3. History Heritage tour and hunt of the park.

The pupils learned all about the origins of the park, the need to protect our heritage and how to create a storyboard to tell a story.  They also discovered that children’s entertainment in the past was very different from today but great fun!  P.6 thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities and extend a big, “Thankyou” to Mr Rodney McBride from the Council for organising the day.