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St. Dallan's Primary School, Warrenpoint

The 'Great St Dallan's Bakeoff'

15th Mar 2019

In true St Dallan's style, the entire school community got behind the 'Great St Dallan's Bakeoff' to raise awareness of Fairtrade ideals and products during International Fairtrade Fortnight.

Every class from Primary 4-7 chose a dessert to bake using Fairtrade ingredients.

Great fun was had by all participating classes and the competition between the teachers was fierce! An expert panel of culinary judges comprising of Annette Grant, The Whistledown Hotel, Mrs Emma Carragher, Home Economics teacher at St Mark's High School, Mr Reilly Chairperson of the Board of Governors, Mrs Mc Donald and St Dallan's equivalent to Mary Berry herself, Mrs Farrell all had the unenviable task of choosing a winner.

Congratulations to both Mrs Treanor and Mr Rice's Primary 7 and Primary 4 classes who despite tough competition, were announced overall winners.